Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Giveaway Winner & Such..

And the winner of my Vintage Teacup Giveaway is....

Megan from The Perfect Compilation Tape!

Thanks for entering Megan :) Please send me your mailing information to jennifera328 {at}

And thanks to my guest bloggers for helping me out this week, I really appreciate it!! This week is going to kick my ass for real.. Day 3 and I am so tired but good tired. Like I actually accomplished stuff and am excited to continue. I actually got to work early on Tuesday (that almost would never ever happen ever at my old job)



Anonymous said...

Yeah! Best day ever! THANK YOU!

Teach.Workout.Love said...

yay!!!! :) :)

Andhari said...

You busy beee :D I enjoy the guest posts, can't wait to read your updates about the new work and whatever's happening :)

angel6033 said...

congrats to the winner..


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