Saturday, January 30, 2010

Lazy Hang Over Day

today was really a recovery day for me... recovery from the city and late night of drinking last night and then from a week long intensive first week.

i have been trying to figure out how to blog since I can't do it at work anymore really so I have to do it at night, so you will have to forgive me a little since I am not going to be updating AS much as I was before... which is a good and bad thing. I will try to do my best in keeping up with everything because I really do love my blog and everyone on the blogger network so trust me, you will not be forgotten!

it is extremely cold outside, and it is not letting up, which is making it hard to do anything remotely close to leaving the house!

i am gonna attempt to do something productive.. the most productivity I did today was catch up on everyones blogs and write posts!!

how was your saturday? cold and lazy like mine? lol



A said...

Omy my Saturday was painful hangover day!! I finally recovered enough to make it out to watch my college basketball game... But I really thought I'd have to cancel!! Too much fun....

Kenj said...

Ugh, my Saturday was filled with up early working and then resting ALL day.! A true Saturday.!

Anonymous said...

I had a lazy hangover day a few weeks ago - lots of movies and bad food:) Love it!

Andhari said...

Saturday was a recovery day for me too. I went to a party and drank way too much on friday night :(

Wish you a less intense upcoming week with the work, and a nice Sunday :)

Aquiles Damiron-Alcantara said...

I was snowed in all day :(

I am wishing for a better end to the weekend.


Plentymorefishoutofwater said...

Please, please, don't forget us.

angel6033 said...

thats good that you got to rest and also go out :). Enjoy your sunday..

Megan said...

Saturday was great, not hung over, made some new things, took a trip to the music store for strings, visited with friends and finally watched Up. <3 Hope your Sunday is better :P

Jenni said...

Welcome to the world of not blogging at work. I haven't been able to do it for over a year now and although it's not always that fun, I enjoy it too much to quit, and I hope you do too.
ps- today is so my lazy day!

.:*aMbAr*:. said...

You better not abandon us, young lady!


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