Monday, April 27, 2009

The Unimportant Things

Hope everyone had a nice Monday... it was gorgeous out today and I didn't get to leave the office once. Bummer. Monday is the worst day of the week. I absolutely despise it! I need this economy to turn around ASAP so I can get on with my LIFE. I am ready to start the rest of my life.. this has been some sort of college/real life transitional period, so i think that is over!

Moonjava, tagged me in a post so here it is!!! Thanks Lady :) 

1. Mention the person who nominated you.
2. List six unimportant things that make you happy.

(1) Right when the sun goes down after its been really hot out .... its nice to sit outside!

(2) Randomly funny emails during a crappy day at work or text messages

(3) Girls nights... actually that would be considered important so im not sure if it belongs on this list ooops :)
Girls Night Out Pictures, Images and Photos

(4) Really awesome websites... that I wish I could design!

(5) The fact that Google has all of my answers.... when I used to be in college stoned and we had so many questions that needed to be answered and didn't know about google! So im glad its here now! 

(6) Being tan, I always feel better when I am tan

3. Tag six blogs, state the rules & notify them with a teeny comment on their blog.

1. One Day Paris
2. Someday I'll get there
3. The One Curly Fry
4. Tough Crowd
5. *Life is Sweet*

Everyone else I wanted to tag was already tagged :)

Like the new signature? I am still experimenting with photoshop.... 
Also! I have decided that coming in June I am on the list to have a blog layout made for me from Sherbet Blossom Designs
So I am super excited about that! I really am web page illiterate when it comes to this stuff. I really shouldn't have dropped out of that graphic art class in college. damnit. So that is something to look forward to. Plus we are JUST on the verge of booking this trip. God I can't wait because the planning part just sucks -- its so much research to figure out where to go, where to stay, which plane ticket website will give me the better deal with the best times AND the least layover time! AH - I just want to go! No planning. Obv that doesn't work. 

Since it was so nice out tonight and I was stuck inside all day, I skipped the gym and I rode my bike (first time i have ridden a bike since like 2004 BTW) (and it was QUITE hard) to my friends house and we walked around town for a couple hours. So that was nice to get out and be outside after a long ass day. 

This weekend me and my girls are taking a pole dancing class

Should be interesting! We signed up at Sheckys Girls Night Out and I definitely think I will not be able to do that! Can't wait to update that one for next week! 

Good night all



Angelique said...

Hey there! Thanks for the very first one, I'm excited :0)

p.s. my friend has been going to "S Factor" for about a year and she's lost about 10 pounds and has racked up some muscle where girls want it. She calls me all the time and raaaaaaves about it, so def keep "us" posted on how you're doing!!

<3 Angelique

Teach.Workout.Love said...

Thats awesome!!! I am excited now!! The weight needs to melt off ASAP! Bathing suit season is hereeeeeeeee!
Ur welcome :) im glad i was the first!!!!!

Andhari said...

Girls night out is definitely one of the most essential things to have. Been grumpy for weeks for not having one of those lol

sheeneevee said...

i despise mondays too! it makes me lazy and want to sleep all day. haha :) and poel dancing class? wow! that's interesting. do update us on how it went? thanks :D

k said...

Thanks for the tag, even if I was "leftovers" LOL!!

Fannie said...

Google does have all the answers..I wish I would've known sooner too, my best friend and I were always arguying over what came first?..was it the chicken or the egg? LOL

Mondays suck, agreed. Glad you made the most of it when you got out of work. I need to make time for exercise.. it's good for the soul too. hehe.

Update us on the pole dancing class :o)

Kristina said...

I've always wanted to do the pole dancing thing. Let us know how it went.

Fidgeting Gidget said...

Can't wait to hear about the pole dance class..a friend and I were just talking about that this weekend (at the strip club, ha) and I put it on my list of stuff I wanna do that I probably never will! Good luck!

Teach.Workout.Love said...

LOL thanks!! I def will... it should be REALLY interesting... esp because of the friends I am going with!! I hope that I can take pictures!!!

paddle to shore said...

ohhhh, have fun pole dancing!

Moonjava said...

Girls night sounds like a ton of fun, reminds me that I haven't been to one in a while, I think all of us are pretty preoccupied with work and things. Next on the list, GIRLS NIGHT!

Children of the 90s said...

I always feel better when I'm tan, though I'm sure my mom would kill me to hear me say that. And good luck with the pole dancing--I went to a class like that once, and they did let us take pictures :)

Mara said...

Looking forward to the post about the pole dancing class this weekend!

Debbie said...

I do love an evening right after the sun sets. You are so right about that.


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