My grandparents used to have a house up there and there is a waterfall that I like to go to up there but I can never get anyone to go. So TB and I made the trip up there and found it and it was awesome, cold, but awesome.It was definitely cold up there!! We went exploring through the woods and found some cars that fell off cliffs and stuff. It was pretty awesome... I was very nosey so I wanted to get a closer look at the cars so we climbed down this steep mountain/hill thing and it was pretty difficult to get up and down. Im hurtin today from all this exercise!
I saw my grandparent's old house they had up there too...
I wish it hadn't been so cold but its better than rain!!
see it kinda looks like an Indian head? Sorta? Well thats Indian Head Mountain.
I also went to the Lukemia Walk this weekend, which was nice, although I missed the walk got there too late, but I saw my friends there so that was nice moral support for them! Then I watched the Yankee Game with some friends and that was good times as well. Esp since they won and kicked ass in the 13th inning.
Went out to dinner Friday for my dad's birthday and watched the Yankee Game with the fam that night too. It was a good weekend, lots of family & friends and hiking and Yankee Games and drinking. Although I did not go to the dog shelter today so that sucked but it was pouring rain and mad cold, so it was semi-justified.
How were your weekends lovies!?
Wow those are beautiful pictures. Even the ones of the trashed cars have lots of beauty to them. Must be the autumn leaves. What a gorgeous's a whole other world to me. Here I am living in the suburbs, hours away from the mountains. I love this time of year, but I never get to really experience the cold weather, the changing trees, etc. So I just love to see the pictures of it all.
I gave you an awesome post award!
wow, that's beautiful and yes, even more beautiful in the fall with all those colors! waterfalls are so peaceful... too bad the closest one to me is about an hour and a half! :(
weekend was great though!
Glad to hear that you had such a fun weekend. Great pics! The waterfalls are lovely and those cars, all rusted out and abandoned, made for great shots :)
Wonderful post and photos.....!! sounds like a great weekend!
Such beautiful pics, I love going for walks in Fall, Have a sweet day!
Beautiful! I have hardly been hiking at all this season. Your post just inspired me to get my ass in gear and hit some trails.
You can rent a vacation rental home that is perched on a major waterfall in the Catskills called Niobe Falls. Its a continuation of the Kaaterskill Falls the location for much of the Hudson River Schools inspiration. Sleeps up to six guest.
How fun!! :) Glad you enjoyed your weekend!
Those are great pictures. So did those cars drive off over the mountain's edge? Curious!!
When I still lived in Connecticut, my dad & I used to daytrip up to Cooperstown through the Catskills several times a year, but always this time of year around my birthday. LOVE it there in the Autumn!
I have NO Idea if they drove off the cliff or fell off them.. i couldnt figure it out! or if someone pushed them... no idea!!!!
Hi love, thanks for entering into my giveaway, I guess we both have giveaways going on now, huh?! What a fun hike, so full of nature! Also, that is cool that you were able to be there for your friends during the cancer walk. Hope you enjoy your week, loving the feeling of Autumn through your pics.
I love all the pictures, especially of your grandparents old house. Very pretty.
WOW!! such pretty pictures! Looks beautiful!!
They do look beautiful! The car pjotos kinda freak me out a little and there's something about the old house that looks really charming. :)
Oh I love fall. It's my absolute favorite holiday of the year.
You look so pretty in your pictures!
beautiful pics!!
Love these pics! Wow, so cool...those cars must be so old and they all have stories and nobody knows but the people who were in them. So crazy! Love that stuff. And your grandparents' old house is adorable! Glad you had fun. :)
Cars that fell down the cliff? Sounds tragic!
Dense mountains, spirited waterfalls.
i know!!! i want to know the stories!!!!
Some of those cars were most likely lost in the floods of 95. I grew up around there and know the stories well. We had like 8 feet of snow and then 6 days or so of rain and stuff literally floated away and was lost forever.
Great photos!
woww!!! thats crazy.... im gonna try to google that!
Cold, I'm sure, but absolutely gorgeous views. My weekend was filled with work and some football watching on Sunday. Nothing exciting. Boo hiss.
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