This year has been crazy.
We had a love/hate relationship.
There were many things about this year that were cool, and then a majority of things that were absolutely horrible.
I know that it could absolutely be worse, and I am glad that it was most definitely not. I am hoping for 2010 to bring me something good.
I wanted to recap my year because I usually have forgotten most of things by now so I wanted to attempt to write some down before the year ends so I can start fresh.
2009 was the year of...
t and i breaking up
t and i moving out
traveling to costa rica, peru & california
losing 25 pounds
moving into an apartment with cherry
being single
most depressing summer of my life
losing some friends with the break up
making new friends as a result of being single
reapplying for my same job
watching many of my friends leave, quit and get laid off
starting my blog and successfully sticking with it
beginning to learn who i really am again
paying off a credit card
taking two graduate classes
spending new years of 08-09 without T since he just left and went to Africa
spending a whole month alone because T wanted to go away by himself
seeing that people actually do like me... and want to be with me
finding that there are other things in life besides unhappiness due to men!
meeting a lot of cool new people
After writing that, it doesn't look so bad. I guess because I was crazy depressed for a good amount of the year, that made it feel worse than it was. Everything seems to be more decent now. I know I went on all of those trips and I am so excited that I got to do that and I don't regret anything, I just wish that I didn't have to go through all of that shit with T. So my goal of 2010 is to make sure I am happy and keep going from there.
I definitely did not foresee this year playing out like it did! I should have based off of how 2009 started.
High hopes here I come!