I have never once been in New York City for New Year's Eve and I am SO excited to do it! I always knew I would one day but no one ever wanted to go with me. My dad gave me the opportunity because he got a hotel room for my brother and I in case we wanted to go. That is AWESOME. I want to be that cool for my kids!
We are going to an Irish pub and have open bar from 9pm-1am for $55, which is a really good deal considering my brother found an open bar for $100. Plus staying in a hotel room in the city is AWESOME in itself because you can see out over the city and its just simply UH-MAZING!!!!!!!!!
I am excited to spend New Year's with them because last year I was so upset that T had left me (randomly might I add since he told me a week before he was going to Africa for ONE MONTH) for that night where he didn't think it was a big deal and I thought it was a huge deal. So I went to HIS friends house with HIS friends, and granted, I was friends with them too....but it wasn't the same.
This year, I will be with MY friends, where I want to be, in a place that I want to be at! I am excited to start off the New Year in an exciting place, with friends I love. Considering that was the complete opposite of last year, do you think that means 2010 will be better than 2009?! Because I really HOPE SO!
Sooo... we shall see!
I am so jealous - NYC on NYE! I hope you have a wonderful time!
Happy New Year - sounds like you're going to have an amazing time :D
You show 2010 who's boss!
new year in the city is fun! hope you enjoy it!!! happy new year.
Oh me so jealous. You got room for one more in that hotel room of yours? I'll hop on a plane to NYC tonight!
Have so much fun tomorrow night lady. And be safe! And take tons of photos. I can't wait to see NYC through your eyes :)
i wanna go to NYC to shop =S have fun! :D and happy new year to you NB :)
All the best....HAPPY NEW YEAR 2010...Cheers !!!
girl, we're gunna tear it UPPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i hope i have something good to wear by tomorrow.
i'm bringing my cherry chapstick, so if i don't find a duck, you'll kiss this girl & LIKE IT! hhahahahahahha
Oh I really hope you have a fabulous night!!! Happy New Year!!
I hope it is most defenietly better than last year and your New Years sounds very fun :) what better than to spend it with firneds have lots of fun lady :)
love the bold words. And I hate nye and nyd. It always suck for me... blaghh I guess I'm blagh right now.... hope your 2010 is amazinggg
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