1. Your Name, Blog website and/or etsy website and logo.
Hi! My name is Lauren, but in this blogosphere I go by Laurnie. It’s a nickname that’s been with me since I was probably 4, and close friends have used it for years. Its taken on many spellings – Nornie, Lornie, Naurnie…but I prefer Laurnie. No particular reason. I have 2 blogs – well 3, but the 3rd is one of those private, invitation only thingies. My first blog, my main squeeze, is Some Whine With Cheese (www.somewhinewithcheese.com). My 2nd is more of a project blog – a traveling notebook/journal.www.thenotebookjourney.
2. What are your inspirations for starting your site?
I first started my blog right before my 30th birthday this past October. I had made a 20 before 30 list, and figured I would update my progress and share it with my friends and family. Then I started finding other blogs, and became inspired to actually write about more than just those 20 things, and here I am. 7 months later, I have written about everything from the 100 books I want to finish in a year (yea, Ive slacked. I don’t want to talk about it) to the crazy stuff my bf does for me, as well as random thoughts that fill my head. Its become quite an addiction and Im so glad I did, because I think I have discovered my love for writing – just need a little more practice.
The Notebook Journey idea just kind of came about one morning. I thought it would be cool to have drawing, thoughts, recipes, pictures, etc from all the great blog friends I have discovered around the world. So I put together an artsy looking notebook, and sent it off. Initially I had 22 people when I started it, never thinking I would fill the book in the first round. Now I have 148 people, and I wont be getting it back for 3 years! I love the idea of this thing just traveling to different states and countries. And wonder where I will be in 3 years when I get it back
3. Tell us something about you & include ur favorite picture.
Hmm. About me. I had a hard enough time filling this out for my profile! Its always difficult filling something out where you just talk about yourself, I envy the people it comes easy to. Lets see…can I make it short and sweet? Ive learned more about myself in the past year than my entire 30 years of being alive. Im witty, confused, deliciously happy, in love, curious, lost, unselfish, excited. But I still wish I knew what I know now when I was 21. I guess that’s the fun part of growing up though.
This is my favorite picture – its of me and Wes, the Mister in my life. He is a big Johnny Cash fan, and we took this picture on our way out to dinner in Palm Springs, and it had such a Johnny Cash feel to it. I cant explain it. So its now an 8x10 picture hanging in our hallway. No, Im not naked.
THIS was fun. I have to have ONE cup of iced coffee a day – yet somehow a picture of me with my addiction didn’t exist. So I took it for you right now. Notice that sweet leopard print hoodie in the background? Don’t be jealous. And my addiction is so bad (and expensive) that I purchased my own plastic iced cup (pictured), an espresso maker, and my favorite syrup (Cinnamon Dolce Latte). Although nothing beats the ones freshly made at your local starbucks…
Thanks lady for featuring :)

How fun to see you featured! I follow your blogs and I signed up a while back {like a month ago?} to be part of the notebook journey. It will get to me in like 2 years.... I hope to still be here when it arrives.
I have loved discovering new friends through blogging. I never would have guessed that I would have internet friends.... it is so fun!
I just roasted a 1/2 pound of coffee. I was going to blog about it but blogger won't let me.... it may not even put up this comment so I will have to copy and paste it for later if it doesn't!
Today I roasted Papua New Guinea Kimel Peaberry-- it should be done at city to full city+. I hope it's good!!!
nope, it didn't work so now your blog is up forever waiting for this comment :)
dude.... I have tried to erase my redundancy.... blogger is confused, could you help me out?
KTHX bye
How fun to see you featured! I follow your blogs and I signed up a while back {like a month ago?} to be part of the notebook journey. It will get to me in like 2 years.... I hope to still be here when it arrives.
I have loved discovering new friends through blogging. I never would have guessed that I would have internet friends.... it is so fun!
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