Thursday, February 27, 2014

Pregnant Problems: Baby Girl Stop Pressing on my Back Nerves!

So much for no problems during pregnancy!

I got away with no morning sickness and no real serious issues.... buttttttttt sciatica is KILLING me!!!

Sciatica pain is so bad. I can't imagine how you can continue life without a heating pad.

My doctor is awful and the ONLY reason I use him is because he has Saturday hours and the hospital I want to use is 5 minutes from my house. He told me the only thing I could do about it was nothing and get a heating pad.

He's such a man seriously.

I went on vacation and as not able to walk most of the time without extreme acute pain in my right butt and down my right leg.

The top helpful things I found in this case were:
-Heating Pad
-Pre Natal Massage

Nothing else helped at all.

This past week my pain has slowly changed from acute to periodic which is AMAZING in my eyes. I have been to the chiropractor 2 times this week so far and I really think it is helping, and hopefully I can get back to yoga this weekend.

I am also considering getting this:

Especially because I am going to get bigger and my back is already in pain as it is. 

It is from Motherhood Maternity for $39. I have read reviews on it and it was 50/50 depending on the person wearing it. 

Please share any experiences you have had!


Amanda Elizabeth - Meet @ the Barre said...

My sister had that same pain with every one of her pregnancies as well!

Unicolo said...

it is very useful blog ,thanks!.
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