Has anyone seen this movie? I absolutely LOVED this movie. The fact that it was a true story made it even better. It really made me want to do something to help kids in that situation. There are so many of them that need help and I want to be like Sandra's role in the movie. Those are good people!!!
What did you think of this movie? Love it? Hate it?

Loved it! Great story.
I LOVE this movie
This was a great movie, and book...it was even better since I'm a huge Ravens fan and he plays for the Ravens.
I thought it was absolutely fabulous. I thought every character in the movie was acted so well & you get so into the movie that you just want him to succeed so much!! Sandra Bullock was fabulous in it!!
A lot of people dislike Sandra B. but I like her and I loooved her character in this movie. It was a great movie to me :)
Oh I loved that movie. I thought it was incredible and so true. They didn't make the Tuohys seem like saints, just real people who did something nice for someone. I absolutely loved it and am so glad you posted about it!
I haven't seen it yet, but I (duh!) LOVE Sandra Bullock, and the fact that the trailer made me weep like a baby bodes well...
I absolutely love it.. It's such an amazing story!
I LOVE this movie. It's the best one I've seen in awhile!
LOVED it! I cried. A few times.
The book is quite good as well. If you don't know much about football, it will help explain some things.
Haven't seen it. I will get around to it. ahha
This is my far one of my favorite movies of all time. I saw it twice in the theater and three times since it's been out on DVD. Obsessed? Maybe...
This movie is amazing and Sandra is so talented. I get the chills every time I watch it. so glad you enjoyed it.
I adored it! Each actor was perfect. Can't wait to see it again :)
Loved it, and not just because I love football. The story was beautiful and knowing it was based on reality was even better. Certainly some amazing acting as well.
For some reason I thought that Sandra was a coach of the football team from the previews so I was really surprised when she wasn't but i absolutely loved this movie!! it's amazing that there are people out there who are so kind and generous! :)
haven't seen it yet but it's on the list!!
I just saw it this past weekend and I LOVED it, but I knew I would. I have enjoyed watching Michael play in the NFL this year...I saw an interview with him that coincided with the movie coming out. I think it's interesting that Sandra is kinda doing the same thing with her new adoption....helping a kid that comes from poverty....I just love her.
Absolutely adored it!
I watched this movie again this weekend and did really like it but didn't LOVE it. I thought Sandra B was perfect and really compelling to watch but the story was a little...Disney. But it still made me tear seeing the Michael/Leanne characters together.
I haven't seen it. As a (white) teacher of primarily black and Latino students, I am sometimes wary of these feel-good movies about the poor black kid who meets a benevolent white person (teacher, whatever) and then everything changes for the better . . . but I still want to see this movie. These types of movies (Dangerous Minds, Stand and Deliver, Freedom Writers, etc. etc.) are important, but unfortunately they don't tell the story that is the most frequent reality . . . I guess they just summon up such contradictory feelings within me!
I really have heard The Blind Side is great, however.
Loved it!!!!!! :) watched it a second time on Friday! It's so inspiring!
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