my love life is out of control.
things are going on and i dont know where to take them. i am bad at the whole single thing, but i love it. it keeps things interesting.
i am enjoying it. the fact that i dont have to report back to anyone for anything is awesome. not that T ever really cared where I was anyway, but it's nice knowing that i dont have someone waiting for me to come home and grill me on what i was doing. i am free to do whatever and its nice that i am not a disappointment or failure to anyone.
going from my last summer to this year's summer, life is completely different and i plan on making the very best of it.
i am hoping this summer will be smooth sailing and no problems with anyone... especially men related.

Ohhhhh love... sometimes it's just too much I tell ya!
I love my man but I often reminisce the days when I was accountably to no one. Hmmmm... there's something to be said for that freedom.
I think you're going to have a wonderful summer!
Summer always seems to bring a relationship. I hate it but love it at the same time. I want something longer than a summer fling. It may be me.. oh no. I hope things works out for you though.
I know you will find a great guy who truly appreciates you, just hang in there! Summer always brings a fresh start with amazing possibilities!
T just never goes away from your thoughts does he. Just let go, and open the door.....
Totally know how you feel! Being single is the way forward. I've made a pact with myself to be single for a whole year. Started on the 1st of January and I'm still going strong. Love it!
I hope your summer is amazing and everything tha you deserve!
i ditto everything ur saying!
the transition from relationship to single is quite lonely & freeing all at the same time!
cheers to us single girls!
I don't mind be single and I don't mind being in a relationship, but I hate dating. I'm sure your summer will be wonderful!
Single ftw! Yay.
It sounds like you're going to have a great summer! Things are always better when you're free to do what you want without worry.
Have a great summer!!! :)
Enjoy the ride!
It is so very important to listen to what fits you best...if no strings attached feels right, then it feels right. You always have to be true to yourself, sweetie.
good for you. enjoy your time. good relationships can be great but sometimes being single is awesome. you can do whatever you want and not have to worry about anyone. i love my boyfriend but sometimes i need my alone time away from him and everyone else.
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