mysterg said... If you could go back in time and change one thing in your life, what would it be?
--i would change the fact that i left high school in three years. Yes there was a lot of drama when i was in high school and i hated it sooo much (one day ill get into that whole situation). I would like to change that because i feel like i graduated everything too early. I was so eager to grow up and now i am so eager to go back in time and like see people from high school and visit my town i went to school in. Its kind of sad, because I go back and im like, damn, if i didnt have all those problems in high school, things might have been different and I could have enjoyed my time in CT more. So if I could go back, I would have stayed and just stuck it out for the last year of high school instead of going to college early.

---My deepest darkest secret...I cannot share that with you! lol I would but... I don't know, I like to forget it even happened. SO... well go onto deepest fear: My deepest fear(s) ((because I can't choose just one)) I would say are dieing in some sort of freak accident and becoming sick (like with cancer or something along those lines). I just think about how people just die for no reason --someone kills them in their car, freak accident, builders, fires, walking across the street, getting raped, mugged, robbed... I mean it is just horrible. And i dont know how some people get picked by whomever/whatever is it (the grim reaper if you will) and I am afraid that its just going to be my day too soon and I wont have lived out my life like I have wanted. And i know that a lot of people havent done that before they died but I would like to make it to like 60/70 or something like that. And another thing I am afraid of is getting a deadly disease, like cancer and having to suffer and go through chemo and everything. I know people who have done this and it is just absolutely horrible and I would rather not.
--The nicest thing anyones ever done for me..... hmm... this is probably the toughest question! Hmmm.... it would have to be... when my car broke down in the middle of the road on a hill, and i had a chevy blazer at that time, so i was freaking out because i was LITERALLY in the middle of the road, and didnt know what to do... so i tried to push it, and obv. that didnt work LOL, and these garbage men drove by me and they turned around because they told me that they "felt so bad for me that they had to turn around to help me push it off the road". So THANK GOD for them because we were able to push it to a side street so that I could wait for the two truck.
Okay.... I get inspired when i read blogs and i look at artistic things. For instance, when all of the bloggers that I follow are so artistic and write really aspirational things, it makes me want to do the same and i LOVE it. I cant believe I waited so long to start a blog! This was the best thing for me, because seeing other people who were inspired everyday, made me want to find reasons to be inspired everyday and it worked. ALSO... being in coffeeshops really really inspires me, especially very unique, independent ones. Unfortunately I have worked in all of them where i live already, so i have run out of cute ones to go to... so thats why i need to move somewhere else! Awesome quotes and songs inspire me as well.
---LOL i have many thoughts on the health care reform..but... it makes me angry thinking about it because I really like Obama, and he's trying to take away lots of my moneeyyy lol.
--Favorite shopping destinations: For a lot of my clothes ill go H&M and Banana Republic. I will get my dress pants from BCBG and some skirts or shirts (if i can afford it!). Express to buy Jeans because I cant buy jeans anywhere else. And whatever random boutiques that have cute clothes in the city or in different locations that i can find.