So last night was supposed to be a simple for M and I. We were going to get take out, go to the park and chill out. Half way through my day yesterday, I started to feel a lot of pain in my right side. By 4pm it was unbearable. I left to go to a walk in clinic because I decided I didnt need the ER at that point.
So I am waiting and waiting in the clinic and they tell me I need to go to the ER. Great job Jen on your ability to waste time is exactly what I am thinking. I now have to drive myself to the hospital and drink this nasty drink because I have to get a catscan. So I am driving all around trying to find the goddamn hospital and google maps is talking me all which ways.
By now, I am in extreme pain and crying and feeling like i am going to puke because I am drinking that drink. Still no hospital. FINALLY, i decide to go the complete opposite way, and I find it. I get inside they send me god knows where,,, a lot of walking is all i remember and once I get to patient registration, she sends me back down stairs to the ER. I mean seriously people? WALKING was not exactly what I could do right now.
Finally I get to the ER, and my mom gets there. I am sitting waiting to be called for the catscan and I am now feeling like i am dying. The pain is so bad. I really thought I was going to have to have surgery. I havent had surgery before but I wanted the pain to end.
They bring me into the ER and give me morphine and something to stop the nausea. And this whole time I am thinking where the fuck is M. Thank god my mom was there otherwise I'd be sitting alone in the ER.
I go in for a catscan, they give us the results 45 minutes later. This whole process has been about 4-5 hours now. M is still not there. They tell me I had a kidney infection and that I can leave and take antibiotics and don't need surgery. Thank God! No surgery.
As we are walking out the ER is when M pulls up. Its been 4-5 hours later since I got into the ER. I am pretty disappointed and upset but i'm high on morphine so it doesn't really matter to me at that point.
Look now his idea in his head was that I was going to need surgery and that I was going to be there all night. So since my mom was there in the beginning he would come and take over for the end. Okay. I get that.
Now... is it not right for me to be upset because he should have been there the whole time? Am i to except next time if I am dying in the hospital or need actual surgery, that he won't be there until he's done with plans? Because if it were the OTHER WAY AROUND, I would have dropped what I was doing at that moment and be there the entire fucking time, regardless who was there or not.
Granted, I wasn't dying nor did I get surgery, BUT I was in extreme amounts of pain and I wanted him there and he showed up 4 hours later, as we're walking out the door.
I mean I get it,,, this just happened out of no where, and he had shit he had to do.. like today, I am off from work but he has things to do. Granted he's off too.. he HAD to go do these things. I get it. Life doesn't stop for me. And i'm not asking it to. But if I'm really sick, even if its only ER room sick i'd take just that, and youre my boyfriend, be there. End of fucking story.
Give me your opinions... I really don't know how i feel about this besides really not important and wondering if he actually cares about me or does everything else come first and then me.