I wanted to take a moment and send special THANK YOU'S to everyone for being so caring and awesome. My life's different now that I blog.. it is a LITTLE bit easier for me to speak my mind (not to some, but to others!) and I have gotten my creativity back! Which is SO exciting AND I started writing poems again! I will post one soon!
Holy Crap! I have gained my emotions back!.... Besides the panic attacks or anxiety I have randomly (not so fun!) but I HAVE EMOTIONS! For so long, I have been numb. I haven't cried, I haven't really felt happy, I haven't felt pain, I have felt nothing -- I just walked along the road as if nothing mattered.And now... I am a wreck. But in a good and a bad way. Good because I know I can feel things again and now that I can feel, I can write, and now that I write, I can express myself more than I have before. Bad because it is painful and it sucks to be overwhelmed with all this emotion! This really makes me sound like I am in train wreck mode, but rest assured I am not! I am in the midst of quarter life crisis (which I TOTALLY believe in at this moment!) and am trying to sort my way through the mess.So hopefully this will be something I can figure out and make the right choice. I still cannot get into much detail since I have yet to actually address the issue at large, but I will soon.
In the meantime, I won an awesome award! Just a Small Town Girl awarded me the Keepsake Blog Award! Thank you lady!! PLEASE check out her blog and show her mucho amounts of love.

This award comes with the direction to post a funny or sweet keepsake that tells something about you. Soo......
my cat... haha i cant think of anything else, but everyone, this is Princess... and I am an animal lover but I can't have a dog due to apartments.. SO cat it was. ;)
And I am passing this wonderful award over to...
Spanky Luvs It*The Rest of My Life So FarGARFOkay, Ciao!