I am sorry I have been MIA :(
Between being off on Monday and down the shore, and having to be out of the office cold calling new clients and selling stuff, I haven't had time to do anything. Ugh... now today we have a meeting to talk about how they are going to restructure our advertising department. GREAT. So that means more layoffs, and probably going to be huge.
Let me recap these past few days for you.
~LBI was AWESOME! I had a great time with my family and my 2 friends came down and it was awesome. I haven't been that happy in a while! It was great. I have more pictures to post, but I have to upload them on my computer at home first, so here are a few pics

We met up with my friend J from work at a bar in Seaside and had a greattttttt time! I met some peoples, it was fun :) I got pretty tan for my, as being Irish and not getting tan at all lol I am DEF tan!!!! It was really nice to spend so much time with my family, even though it was only 3 days, it was good.
And then last night I was at the Yankee Game, WHICH was awesome because they won!! And we had a great time, EXCEPT for the part where my friends neighbor offered to drive us home so we went and then he got side swiped on the Major Deegan on the way home. Everyone was okay and it wasn't that bad of an accident so they could still drive the car back home. Damn.... shoulda taken the train.
Oh and to top it all off..... T has not spoken to me since Thursday, except for the big fight that we had on Monday night when I got back from the shore. Giving me attitude the minute I walked in, calling me selfish and only caring about myself, telling me he was already gone and that he doesnt care at all. Great. I told him to get the fuck out then. So he did. But he came back like half hour later and slept on the couch.
Awesome. It was too late so I didnt even want to continue arguing. So we havent talked since then either.
Ugh ... I am so stressed! I should have never came back from the shore.
Okay now I have to go to this meeting and find out if im getting fired or not...
I HOPE everyone else is having a better Wednesday :)
Awesome. It was too late so I didnt even want to continue arguing. So we havent talked since then either.
Ugh ... I am so stressed! I should have never came back from the shore.
Okay now I have to go to this meeting and find out if im getting fired or not...
I HOPE everyone else is having a better Wednesday :)

well, seems like a good few days for you and specially with this weather, well deserved.
Haha, you told him to get the fuck out... Awesome!!!!
Apology accepted - you totally made up for it with the bikini shot!
Will be keeping my fingers crossed for you, but remember, if all else fails you can always get a job with one of the new Obama death camps!
I just want to tell you how much I love your blog layout. Love visiting this page. :)
glad that you had an awesome break!
but a tad sad to hear about the fight :( try not to think about it too much, ok? we're here if you want to unload :)
Sorry...not sure what the post actually says...can't stop looking at the bikini shot......
You deserve good - great - things lady. Don't forget that!
I hope you recover from your fig!ht quickly
You poor thing - your life has been crazy! I hope that the work meeting goes OK...
Loving your new layout, it is so bright and cheery! I hope you don't get laid off, I have had that happen to me and it is not a fun experience. Also hope everything gets better with T. I know it sucks when you get into an argument with someone you love! Hugs for you!
Know the feeling, I had a pretty crappy day as well...12 hours at work, and nothing to show for it except crappy results...:P
Hope things look up for you!
I'm sorry about T, how could it get like this? Write me anytime if you wanna talk, okay?
I'm glad you did have fun in the beach though ;)
What is your favorite beach of all-time?
Oh bum :( Hope work went okay and you've still got somewhere to go tomorrow morning. Sounds like Wednesday was a shitty day, globally.
Tans are the way forward my love. I'm trying to get one now in Milan but its not working. I have to keep covering up for the bugs :(
I love your new layout! I think it looks great!! I'm sorry about the fight and the job worries, but hopefully it'll all work out :)
awe thanks... ill tell you what happened in my next post :(
I have that orange/navy/white VS bikini! Love it!
I hope everything goes ok with the BF situation. No matter how much you like/ don't like someone break ups and fights are always hard.
All the best...they wont fire u..its just a feelng.....lets c whats the practical.
Aside from the fighting and potential job loss - which you might've already revealed, but I'm way behind on the GReader - doesn't sound too shabby. Wish I could go back to the beach, that's for sure.
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