Lets talk about you! Where do you live? State or town or country, whatever you want to put. And tell me about it. Do you love it? Do you hate it? Will you stay?
Well.. i live in Pleasantville, New York at the moment. I will be moving back to Connecticut shortly due to what I told you all is going on, but we'll talk about Pleasantville. It is 40 minutes from New York City, and i can take the MTA there.
Basically, I LOVE Pleasantville. I have lived here 4 times in the past 6 years. I love it so much. I don't know why. Those pictures do NO justice to how cute the town actually is.
I have been searching Google for like an hour now since apparently I have no actual pictures of the town except the crappy ones i put up on here!
I don't know why I love it so much.
I have had 3 different apartments in this town and am always sad to leave them. I went to college here, worked at my first coffee shop here, met T here, met so many great people here.

I wish i didnt have to leave, but i think its time to move on. I love my cute little town. I will never forget it.
Maybe i'll come back to this county. Maybe not. Maybe I will find a cuter one :)
Maybe i'll come back to this county. Maybe not. Maybe I will find a cuter one :)
Thoughts?! Comments?! Questions?!

I currently live in Indianapolis. It was fun the first few months I lived here and I do love all the great friends I have here.
But I am not staying. I've been here for 17 months and have seen everything there is to see at least once. I drive past corn everyday to work.
Hopefully by this time next year I will be in NYC!!!
I am currently living in Oak Ridge, TN. (FYI -Meghan Fox is from here.) Our biggest claim to fame is our part in the Manhattan Project. Major General Leslie Grove, Military Head of the Manhattan Project, chose the area for 3 key reasons.
1) It had a low population which made it easy to buy up the land from residents.
2) It's location was close to highways and railroads, so goods could be shipped out easily.
3) The completion of Norris Dam provided easy access to water and electricity to run the 4 major plants. After WWII, the Secret City was opened to the public and residents began to move in.
So how did I end up here? I had lived for the last 14 years in a small town, Jamestown TN, whose only claim to fame was Sgt. Alvin C. York. (I will not state my opinion on this "hero") I was so sick of the town and the behind the back gossip that when my husband said we should move to Oak Ridge, I said "when should I pack." LOL. But seriously the environment in my old town was getting more and more toxic to my mental health so we high tailed it. Good news is Oak Ridge is close to Knoxville. SHOPPING!!!!
Aw I love that little town! It looks so quaint and welcoming!
I currently live in Jacksonville, FL. (Ashley Greene who plays Alice in Twilight. is from here. We were friends in highschool. Still weird seeing her on TV LOL) and I'm honestly not a fan of here!! We have the highest crime rate in Florida & we're the biggest town. Everyone knows everyone. and their buisness.
There's two classes of people here. and it's sad. I'm originally from Edinburgh, Scotland. We moved here when I was little because we already had family here. oooh joy. They live in Cali now! Damn them. lol
I can't wait more than anything to move in a few years to Bowling Green, Kentucky! gah!
i'm almost your neighbor! well, across the river over in rockland, but i work in tarrytown, so i'll consider that close enough to count :)
i love where i live, the only thing i want to change is eventually buying a house instead of renting. maybe up in orange county. but this area is such a perfect blend of city, burbs, and country that i feel like if i moved anywhere else i'd be missing something.
Um, your town reminds me of Stars Hollow from Gilmore Girls. Love it!
I live in Southern CA near the beach, and I wouldn't have it any other way. I love it here and the beach is what has always called my name. Your town looks so perfect, but I can understand why you want to leave. You can always come back though, like you said. Memories will always be there for you. ;)
I currently live in Seattle and I absolutely love it! I love how you can see green trees all year long and how you can smell the Puget sound in the early morning hours, how summers come to life with music, film, and cultural festivals, and overcast clouds fill the skies and a nip chills the air 7 month of the year. I grew up in Hawaii and I can always go back for blue skies and sandy beaches, but Seattle is my home now.
Your blog looks like a fun read...i'll be dropping by again.
Ahhh...cali, seattle, florida.... sounds so nice!!
Hi!! I live in Rockland County, NY in a town called Pearl River. I've looked for pearls in our lil river, and there soo isn't any. lol. I like it for the most part, it's close to NYC, it's got the 4 huge malls near it, and its quiet. But nothing really exciting ever happens here. I might stay here for a while cuz my family is here but if an oppurtunity for work comes along I'd sooo leave. ;)
Hope your having a good day! *Cyber Hug*
i'm in Seattle, too! love it, is exactly as shans describes it, always something to do, summer and winter! very outdoorsy, very progressive, very artsy-free-spirit.
i have been here since 1989 (minus 4 years of college) so am ready for a change, but will always call seattle my home.
Places i plan to live at some point in my life?
NYC, LA, Sydney, Paris and London. My hunny is australian with a european passport as well, so we pretty much have a passport to the world (if he plays his cards right, the chump)... so much to see in one lifetime!!!!
hope you're hanging in there, sweetie. i'm really enjoying reading your blog! you remind me so much of myself. xo
i am from india,from a city called chennai.its a nice place with a really nice blend of tradionalists and the progressive types.been there since my sixth grade but away for the last couple of years due to college.cant wait to get back.nice blog anyways.free
I live in a small town in Northern NJ. I love the area because we are close to NYC and the woods. And I can look out my window and see fields and forests. I was born and raised here, but moved to Maryland for college and then spent the last 2 years in Ireland. But I don't plan on staying here long term. I want to live in Maryland or Virginia, but we'll see what happens!
I live in Houston, TX and LOVE IT! Moved here about a year ago and I won't leave until I retire....at that point, I'm going to move to Brazil and I'm going to LOVE IT there too! :-)
YAY For India, NJ and Texassss!
def would love to live in brazil!
I live in Malta, which is actually a country! Technically it's an island that's situated in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea between Northern Africa and Sicily (Italy).
The entire country is just about twice the size of Washington D.C. (yes I looked this up!) Total population is approx. 405,000 people.
This will give you a clear indication of where we are (http://www.holiday-malta.com/map/maltese_islands/europe/666463/europe_malta_map_location.gif)
Come and visit =) (http://guidetomalta.net/About-Malta/why-you-should-visit-malta)
And here are some pics - http://www.flickr.com/groups/guidetomalta/
Although it is a very small place and you have to fly to get off the island (or use a boat but that takes time) and can therefore get a bit claustrophobic, it's a really great place to grow up in.
@allaboutg... okay im in love!!!!
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