What is something that skeeved you out?
Definition skeeved (because it doesnt actually look like a real word!): to be freaked out, weirded out, revolted by or generally turned off by something or someone.

Very hard to put this into words because I dont know how to describe what it feels like, but you know in school when you would play dodgeball with those like nurf foam balls? Well THAT foam stuff I cannot deal with. I can't touch it, it freaks me out.
I don't know why or what to do about that but it freaks me out! I am trying to find a picture to show you, but its so hard to find since they don't have pictures of the nasty old raggedy ones we had in our schools!
Ugh! I get sooooo skeeved out by the feel of them oh my god, I cant even tell you! If you ever went to a place where they had foam pits like in a gymnastic place, I hateddd it!!!!!!

lol.. i am so strange i know.
Thoughts?! Comments?!

Really? That weirds you out? I have a friend who is weirded out by staples. Yes, staples. No idea why though.
I am weirded out by the fact that she is weirded out by staples.
hahahah staples?! really?! that is really horrible.....bc there are a lot of staples in life....
The thing that gets me is the sound that is made when the colored part of the cardboard is ripped off of one of those Mead notebooks. The same sound is achieved when you try to open a package of batteries but you can't get the plastic to make a clean break from the paper/cardboard, so the paper/cardboard rips..but it doesn't break cleanly, it scrapes, like nails on a chalkboard. And the feeling I get when I'm holding the package and trying to open it and fail is one that makes me want to shudder (which I do) and then puke (which I don't, but I really honestly could sometimes).
I have a fear of mannequins and penguins which I have blogged about.
However something that physically repulses me is feet. They are truly disgusting. No matter how much people try to paint them or make them look pretty etc. Honestly I can feel nausea just thinking about them. And it's even worse if they have six toes or something.
Ugh. I need to shower now.
that feeling when you rub sand paper on a cement surface...its quite irritating sorts..and staples..how does that person put up with the documents and stuff..
Ohh I love that nurf stuff, how fun! He he, sorry you don't like it. I don't like scraping chalk boards, that is not fun!
For me it's when boys (young men??) wear pants that show me their underwear. If I wanted to see your skivies, I'd be hitting on you! When I walk by one I want to roll my eyes and say "Oh my GOD! Pull up your pants!"
Does that make me sound old??
hahahahhahah love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I can't stand clusters of small uniform dots, totally freaks me out.. weird,huh?
LOL... just as weird as mine
Bananas. ::shudder::
Not strange! This makes total sense to me. I feel the same about wool. Ugh, just thinking about it skeeves me out...
I was in an antique shop this weekend and they had a few real fur coats hanging up. I don't know if it's just b/c they're old or if all fur garments feel that way, but it was so gross, I literally gagged. I don't know how to explain it, but it truly feels like dead animal flesh, and the thought that someone would actually put that on their body.... Probably doesn't help that I'm a vegetarian.
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