Everyone in advertising and news has to re-apply for their jobs. They are eliminating 20 advertising and 50 news jobs.
The position that I have, which is technically two right now, account manager and account executive, they added one more account manager position and they have 17 account executive positions. There are 19 account executives right now, but they are eliminating jobs from managers and sales associates, so the account executive position is going to be a tough get against some managers.
It is quite honestly, insane. I mean, we have to re-interview for our jobs, which mine is on Monday. And we may or MAY NOT be offered them back. I mean, WTF. I understand why they need to do this but its going to be a really shitty next two weeks. How are you supposed to work under those conditions and actually pitch to advertisers for them to advertise with us?! I mean, I was definitely never RA RA go my company or anything like that, but now? You except me to go along with my business and sell! sell! sell! while this may or may not even be my position in 2 weeks? Really?
Way to motivate..

Ugh, that sucks! I'm so sorry you have to go through that. Stay strong!! Believe that the best will always happen, I pray it happens. Best wishes!
awe thanks.s.. i hope its good too!!!!!!
hahahaha, i'll tickle ya ;o)
(http://worththeweightingold.blogspot.com/2008/12/simple-elegance.html - i want all those... kinda can't wait for fall fashion again.)
Oooh, that stinks. Yeah, it's always terrible when companies do stuff like that, then prolong the misery by making you wait. My BIL was laid off in February, and he had a similar situation. Not pretty, but it turned out for the best. I'm sorry that you have to go through this!
Wow, that sucks. I'm really sorry.
But, don't give up yet. I'm sure you have as good a chance as anyone to get (re-get?) the position.
UGH!! I'm sorry! GOOD LUCK!
Wow, nothing like a little on the job emotional torture! Ugh!!
Just know that, even if sometimes it's hard to see how, things will turn out for the best.
Try and enjoy your weekend!!
Wow. I am so sorry to hear that! That sucks. Big time :(
You're in my thoughts & prayers. & I'm sending good vibes your way! :)
Good Luck with everything!
Your tickle me elmo did make me laugh though :)
Just remember your ABC: Always Be Closing and you'll be fine!
ah yeah its really not cool..... cant wait for my re-intveriew on monday. sucks.
oh dear im sorry, i wish you all the luck with this. <3
Seriously? That is crazy. I'd be on the edge of my seat the entire time leading up to my re-interview. Crazy.
Sending you good vibes!
i know! how are we supposed to work like that!?
I feel sorry for that. All the best. May you get what you deserve.
That's definitely a new one. Still catching up on my reader and I know you had some interviews. Hopefully it's working out. ::Fingers crossed::
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