I really want to know a little something about you and where you are from, just a little nice thing to know about each of my wonderful readers :)
I will start.
I am Jen, Novelista Barista, NB, Jenny O, Jennifer... whatever you may like.
I am 24, Aries, and will be 25 in March!
I love to write, travel and enjoy coffee houses wherever I go.
I like the simple things in life, live for awkward moments and try to smile as much as possible.
And I live in New York, right outside of the city.
ps. and im a big mush!
You can read more about me if you really like, here.
Leave me some comments below!
It was nice to meet you :)
ps... LAST call for my new job celebration giveaway... sign up HERE!!!! I will pick the winner tonight.
Hello! Nice to meet you too!
I'm Shannon, a 24 year old living in Asheville,NC. I'm moving in 2 months to the Queen City and I'm equally nervous/excited about it!
I have a slight obsession with owls and hedgehogs, and a love for all things vintage.
Hi Jennifer.
Nice to meet you. Well I'm Sara, Pink Banana.
I'm nearly 32, living in Lancashire, England.
I love my fiance Kevin loads and love reading, writing short stories and blogging.I also enjoy travelling. I love reading your blog too!!! x
It's me Lisa The Bumpkin, who really isn't a bumpkin. I live on the Gulf of Mexico in Southern Mississippi. I am 40! Maybe 40 is great maybe it isn't haven't quite decided yet.
My John is a Master Boat Captain, myself an Accountant. I love fashion, photography, reading, and coffee!
Some days I come for the pictures, some days I come for the quotes, and alot of days, I learn things from you I am surprised I haven't been previously taught in life. You are a wise young lady. Show me New York! I love that you live for akward moments.......
Hello Jen, i have been reading your blog for a while! and i love it :)
well, i am mustika, vanilla ice cream and root beet's lover. i live in Jakarta city, Indonesia (south east asia). it's really nice to know you. your blog is awesome and inspirational :D
Wow girl, I started following when you had like 260 people reading...wow! :) So here goes nothing...I'm Selma, I live in Switzerland at the moment, love to travel, have friends and family in the US, and within Europe. Multi-cultural. ;)
That's about it...I'm sure you read more about me on my blog already. ;) hehe.
Have a good day girl. :D I'm so gonna get me a coffee now...seriously. xoxo
I'm Amy, I'm 28 and I live in Nova Scotia. I work in advertising, I'm a newlywed and my loves are running, coffee, sushi, magazines, horses & dogs and being at the beach. I love to laugh and I try to be artsy-craftsy when I have the time.
It's great to meet you! I only found your blog in the last few weeks and I am really enjoying reading about your life!
I am Emily, 27, Mechanicsburg, PA. I am worker bee at the moment, with aspirations of becoming a French professor and world-traveler. :)
I'm Stephanie.
I am the owner of Geezees Custom Canvas.
I have 2 adorable children.
I'm a wife, a mom, a sister and friend.
I have tattoos.
I believe in equality for all.
I have a boxer named Stella
I love my family!
I love in PA
i'm micaela. 25.
BRAND NEW FIANCE :) just moved from my beloved Texas to be with my Beloved Max in his hometown of Virginia. They say "virginia is for lovers." I'm going to have to agree
vegetarian. random. twin sis.
puppy mom to maverick, my bichon frise.
nice to meet you all ;)
I'm Sarah, 26, Leo and I live near London. I live with my hubby and crazy but adorable cat.
I love photography, reading, holistic therapies and blogging of course. I'm currently training to be a complementary therapist.
I've just been to New York and absolutely loved it! Can't wait to get back there!
Looking forward to reading more of your blog x
I've been a creeper here for a while and have no clue what's held me back from commenting more often. It's nice to meet you, and you definitely deserve all these followers :)
I'm Nikolett, 21 turning 22 this August, living near Toronto and I also love to write ... though not essays, which is what I have to do more of the time.
this is great idea. i love learning more and more about you.
you know why you have more followers? because you are lovely!
i miss you.
I'm so glad I stumbled on to your blog. It's just precious :)
Oh right.
I'm Roxxy. Yes, that is my real name.
Belle, however, is not my last name. Just a family thing.
I love perusing blogs and finding ones I love. Like yours :)
I have red hair, but I recently bleached it blonde which was the most tragic decision of my life.
I'm friends with the girl who's comment is above mine on 20sb.net. I recognize her picture.
I love how personal you blog is.
Hey Jen. I just found your blog from another I read and i love it btw! I am a new follower.
I'm Lou, 25, aspiring writer from London. Check out my blog if you wish (and have the time!)
PS: I'm so jealous that you live in New York. It's my favourite place ever! :)
It's nice to meet you.
My name is Carie.
I am an 18 year old college student.
I love to cook, bake, and dance.
I love coffee, cupcakes, and shoes.
I live in Albany, Ga and thought its not a large city, I love it and am not in a hurry to leave like a lot of people around here.
I love your blog!
a march-born aries? me too. march 24 to be precise.
Hey am Yessika I have been your reader for a while now since Septmeber..am 22 and I recently moved to San Antonio, were I am a caregiver and I will be going to school to be a social worker. I love reading blogs and writing as well as music..It was great meeting you :) and finding your blog, you inspire me daily :)
Hi Jen!
I'm Michelle (aka Shell) and I'll be 33 this year (ugh!). I'm a Virgo living in Virginia Beach. I'm the mother of two kiddos and married to a wonderful guy. My life has currently been flipped upside down, but somehow I think we'll manage. I'm also in the process of opening an Etsy shop!!
Love your blog and I absolutely adore the necklace you sent. ;) It's beautiful. Thank you, thank you!
Hi! My name's actually Alexandra, Alex for short. Online, I am Sophia because I decided my middle name should be of use for something. I am a sophomore in high school being 14. I am the youngest of my class and even younger than some freshmen. I aspire to go to Harvard Medical School. I get excited over little things. I love bright cloudy days. Reading on a bright cloudy day, sipping some coffee and listening to music is a dream day for me. I live in rural Massachusetts, and love it. Nice meeting you!
Hey Jen! I love your blog!
I'm Amanda. I'm 31 and a metalsmith in Louisville, although NYC is my true city love. I'm married and a step-mom to triplets and an 8-year-old and have 2 spoiled dogs! I just started a blog, but often get too wrapped up in perusing other beautiful blogs (like yours) than keeping up with my own!
THANKS everyone so much :) i'm so glad to meet everyone!
Hello! I've been a lurker for a long time, and loved your blog from the moment I saw it :) So, I figured no better time to come out than now.
I'm Ashley, 22, and trying to find a direction in life (as I think everyone around this age is). I am a journalist and freelancer. I love writing, words, and foreign language (mostly the romance languages, but i am an equal-opportunist). I grew up all around the world and consequently love traveling and moving. I currently reside with my parents and brother in San Diego, CA; and this is definitely one of my favourite places. And hello fellow March birthday! But, I am on the Pisces end...and am very much a Piscean woman.
It was very nice to meet you!
Let's see:
I turned 33 in October. I moved to Florida from Connecticut, where I was born & raised, eight years ago next month. I've been in love twice, thought I was in love once more in addition to that, and had my heart broken twice. The third time really was a charm. I love lists & magazines & New England Autumns. And here's some more about me.
HELLO!! I had this nice long comment, and then my phone deleted it... :)
I'm Namine from the Clutter Box! I love your blog and definitely don't comment enough.
I'm a crazy chick who will and can do almost everything, but I am not as much of a daredevil as I use to be, because now I have Mr and he seems to like to worry!
Thanks for all your wonderful comments on my blog
Is it possible to add you on FB??
Hello dear.
I am Kendra. I believe we have already met but, hey whatever. I am at the young age of 18. I will never admit this thought. I am making my way through college and hopefully going onto Law school. Yes, a very long time with books and libraries and classrooms. Ugh. I am in love with my blog and I love twitter. I am anti-facebook but love to keep in contact with everyone. Well this meeting has been swell, let's do it again sometime soon.!
Hey Jennifer, thanks for the welcome. You really do have a nice blog here, hopefully one day I'll get to reach that far.
Anyway I am Shelley from Jamaica (Caribbean) and I'm 20yrs old. Presently I'm so busy with school but when find time, I love to socialize, surf the internet, watch tv & visit blogs, I rarely get to blog much though.
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