best day of the week by far!
This week was quite eventful.. yet not eventful at the same time.
Never made it to the gym but I DID see a friend from many many years ago when I used to work at the coffee shops last night and it was awesome. I haven't see him in AGES and it was SO great to reconnect and drink some coffee & martinis (i drank beer, him martini). I am SO happy that we met up!! It better not be 4 years until I see him again.
I went to dinner with a friend, it was fun, he's cute ;)
So let's not forget everything cuz its friday.. and here's some awesome stuff from this week...
-Meet my penpal from My Teacups in Peonys pen pal project, E Tells Tales!
-Favorite Tumblr of the week is Bear
- Spanky Luvs It*'s luvs it* t-shirt is up for sale!
- Poptart wrote & sang a song, please go give her mad props, she's so cute!
-English Muse has a gorgeous green opera purse as a giveaway that ends Monday.
- The Beauty File has some awesome pictures here and here and here.
-Sweet as Candy has beautiful white roomed pictures.
-Song of the week: Break Your Heart by Taio Cruz
-Use Indeed.com to search for jobs. They are awesome BTW... can you tell I'm promoting? lol
And lastly..
-Great giveaway from Rhianne at For The Easily Distracted !!
And that's all folks... have a great weekend!
HAPPY FRIDAY!!! love the links!!
Cute guy? hmm details ;) happy friday!
Have a great weekend :)
Happy, happy Friday!
woot woot!!! have fun this weekend.
HAve a great weekend girly!! :)
Happy belated Friday!! I adore that pic up at the top. :)
hahaha I'm so glad you had a great Friday, hope your weekend was just as great.
I'm dying to read about that penpal project but the link goes nowhere :(
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