single: when do you want to be married by?
married: when did you get married by?
single: i think i would like to be married by 28 or 30... i think that is a good time for me. I am about to be 25 and since i have no clue who i'd marry at this point i would guess it will be around then!! hopefully....!

oooh fun one.
lets see I got married by 21. Well I had been 21 for 7 months? lol
and if I were single I think I would have waited until I was 25 or so.
I don't regret getting married at all. but sometimes I think "Man..I should have this and that before getting married and settling down".
ya know??
I'm getting married this summer, and I'll be 23. That seems really old to me, but still pretty young for getting married, I guess. I always figured I'd be married somewhere in my twenties. Before college, I thought I'd wait till after college, but when I got to college, I thought it wouldn't be bad to be a married college student, and I guess I will be!
Don't want to ever be married. I'm happy as we are.
I used to say 25 is when i wanted to start thinking about marriage. I'm almost 25 too. I think I need to increase that age a bit.
Single- I thought 26/27/28. Now I am hoping for 29/30.
I got married when I was 25...but my husband was 38 when we got married, so it balances out! :)
I used to want to get married by the time I was 25. I'm 33 now. And never been married. But you know what? After two *horrible* relationships, I no longer care. I would rather have a good relationship & no "mental timeline" than be in a terrible marriage, had things gone the way I had mapped out in my mind.
When I was younger I wanted to get married when I was 21, just like my mom. However, when 21 hit I was way to busy with my life to even think about getting married (and the lack of someone to marry was a big problem too). Now I am 29 and I'm getting married in a month. So, I guess 29 is a good age for me. At times though, I sometimes feel like it's still too young for me. Like I want to do so many things and I'm not ready to settle down. But then I am totally ready to settle down sometimes. So, who knows.
ha! i always thought i'd get married around 25, but now i'm hoping 33 is the magic number. maybe. hopefully. yes please! :) :( oh boy. because 28 didn't work either. crap. LOL xoxo
I always intended to marry around 25 or 26, but now that that's pretty close, I definitely think I'll leave it a little longer. I want to have finished my PhD so that will be at least another three years, and then beyond that I want to have travelled and done some research elsewhere for a few years. So at the moment, I'm thinking 28-30. I definitely don't want to end up a Sex and the City girl, trying to negotiate dating in my thirties. If I'm not married by 35, it's going to be GRAB'N'GO time!
I'm 29 and always thought I'd be married by now, but I'm actually getting less bothered the older I get. Maybe late 30s...
*Catch up with my dating disasters at plentymorefishoutofwater*
Uhmmm, hard to say.
I use to have a specific age in mind .. but now that I'm single, I think I'll wanna get married when I have been in a relationship for at least 2 years.
I'm almost 25 now .. so I'd say probably not before 28 years old.
I was just married a few months ago, when I was (and am) 29. I always thought I'd get married earlier, but honestly, I wouldn't have it any other way.
I am 25 and I have a boyfriend and I would like to be married by 27 or 28 :)
I've been married for four months. I'm 28. I think this is a great age to get married...any earlier and I would definitely not have been ready.
Single: I hope to be married by 28... which is in three years so I should be freaking out right now that I'm still in the single category. Ugh.
wow such a variety of answers!!! thanks everyone for ur input... i completely agree wtih all of u in ur own different ways! :)
I'm kind of curious about how young all these bloggers want to get/got married - I can't tell if this is a really skewed demographic, or I'm just used to living in big cities where we look down upon marrying early.
I used to think 30, but since I'm nearing that age, probably early-mid 30's. It depends on if I stay with my boyfriend (he wants to marry sooner than later).
i got married 2 weeks before i turned 26 - i'd always wanted to get married at 25 and that way made it happen ;)
Myself and The Boy have an unofficial agreement to be married by the time I'm 27 cos I'd like a kid or two before I'm 30! So I have 4-5 years before worrying about dresses and favours and the likes!
30 and i'm 25 and single
I've always wanted to be married by 21 because I'v always been the settling down type, but I'm going to say 25.
I was 23 when we got married. We met when we were 17 so we had a long engagement.
single: I am hoping for 25/26.!
26? 27 maybe? Not too soon, it scares me.
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