I am trying to plan my 25th birthday and I am going back and forth with ideas and what to do.
Last year I was in Costa Rica with T and I went surfing on my birthday. It was literally the best birthday I have ever had. I have been thinking about it more and more lately now that it is getting closer and I am trying to figure out what to actually do and more and more of me is getting more depressed thinking about it and how I am not going to be able to spend it with him in Costa Rica.
I know that sounds so petty to be depressed about, but I am.
So I am trying to get people together to go to Jamaica... or something like that. I am all over the place because there are so many places I want to go but I only want to go for 4 days.
It is hard to explain to my friends this since I am more T to an extent, but sometimes I just get really emotional and can't seem to deal. For the most part I am too busy trying to be strong for other people so I have forgotten about myself, my feelings and the whole that went down in my life. Just basically completely ignored it.
So at this moment, I am trying to consider everyone when making my decision and I want to be reasonable about the price and whatever blah blah blah. But right now, the fact that the only definite person I ever had in my life to go anywhere with besides my ex best friend (who I really need to do a post about like tomorrow) and T, and they are both not in my life anymore and they were both always down to go wherever, whenever, regardless... and I am lacking that person in my life. So I am trying to find others. To fill the void. And it's not necessarily working... and that depresses me. A lot.
*on a brighter note, check out my guest blog over at For the Love of Stilettos on Summer Bags
Oh girl I'm in EXACTLY the same boat as you. My best friend has moved away & she has a bf now so she only really does stuff with him and I lost my C who was my guy to go do anything with. I miss going to the concerts & the conventions & all the lil things we used to go do. I would love to plan a big 25th birthday for myself but I don't have anyone to go with. The void is really really hard to fill. But it will happen when we least expect it. *keeping my fingers crossed*
Jamica sounds amazing. I'd say plan what you can & hopefully people can go with the flow. Good luck dear!
I say choose a place and then those who want to go will go, and those who don't, won't. Good cheap places are Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, and Dominican Republic. Good luck!!!
Aww, I hope you find some awesome people to go with for your birthday!!
How do you get your blog button? I was going to post it on my blog and so I tried clicking on the picture but nothing happens... :)
Tell you what - think of exactly who you want to spend that time with... and see what they think! I'm sure anywhere you would go with your nearest and dearest would be the best ever.
Jamaica! I love it! What a great choice. I agree with previous posts - I always find it easier to plan something, say "this is the plan" and ask who wants to go!
I am finding it harder as I get older to find that partner in crime, that person that is down for whatever and and pick up and run with you, because they all have jobs, boyfriends, husbands, responsibilities. So i feel ya on that. It's your birthday so make sure you put yourself first and do what you want to do. Don't put such high expectations on the day where you forget to enjoy yourself. I liked Montego Bay in Jamaica. that's about all i know. xoxo
It's your birthday so you need to decide where/when based on YOU... What you want, where you want to go, why you want to go and so forth.
If your friends are 'true friends' they will try to make this happen for you!
It's not selfish to take care of yourself before others, it's necessary.
Urgh, I know what you mean.. it's hard being "alone/single" and especially on your bday ! 25 is a big deal to me as well, I'm sure you'll figure it out.. when's the big day ?
Sounds like your going through some big transitions. So be careful about having or trying to live up to too many expectations about what your b-day should or shouldn't be like. Think of other thinks you might do, a volunteer vacation, road trip, a holiday with just one or two friends. A holiday outside of your normal environment, though, is a great way to take a break from your usual worries. Take care, C
i know i'm IMing about this with you right now, but just keep in mind my NYE resolution: BE SPONTANEOUS.
You know me, you know that sometimes i might need a little push, but i'm there to be right next to you, any time. it might not be "exactly" the same... [haha] but i'd be lucky & honored to travel the world with my bestie.
so, let's do it.
Jamaica, here we come? Ireland, here we come? Australia? Russia? Jupiter?
i'm down. (just gimme heads up to get a passport!)
I hope that you think of something wonderful to do for your birthday and have equally wonderful people to spend it with. I would definitely celebrate with you if i could.
March 28th........ mark ur calendars homies! BIG giveaways coming around then.
and thanks for reading my stupid depression :(
I hope y'all can do something fabulous for your birthday! We went to Jamaica on our honeymoon and loved every second of it so I highly recommend it.
that sucks!!!!!!!! go to Puerto Rico!!!! we can go there, case u know I have a home and don't have to pay hotel/food/etc LOL!!
Whaddaya think?
I would LOVE to spend one of my birthdays in another country. That must have been an amazing b-day in Costa Rica! Hopefully you figure it out for this year too, 25 is such a memorable year, make it count! :D
What did you decide to do for the big 25? Mine is in May and I'm still totally up in the air over what to do. I need some advice, and guidance :)
I hope you ultimately find something amazing to do for your birthday and even more so with someone equally awsome, its sad to loose people we care about like an ex or a best friend, and I am sorry you are feeling bummed, but hopefully this birthday will prove to completly erase last years!! :)
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