Lately I have been in a very blah mood. Nothing has gone quite wrong and nothing has gone quite right.... it's just something.
I'm not sure what happened or when but i need to get out of this rut. Everything is generally okay.. but its just like something is missing..... I feel like literally crying when i hear something or see something or watch something that reminds me of T and this is sooooo not right. I dont know where its coming from or why its happening and it needs to go away.
Maybe because things got all messy? Maybe because its getting closer to my birthday and planning this trip to Jamaica is harder than I ever could have imagined it would be and its making me miss him so so much.... I don't know.
I am not sure how to kick this one...
I was doing fine for so long....
How do I get out of this mood? I don't want to feel this way anymore....
Tough situation and I think many, many people have been there. I run or work out every day and I think it truly helps. That and a fat glass of Cabernet.
I'm feeling the same way lately. Like my head is not quite on right. This weather probably isn't helping ya much either. It's gloomy today. Maybe go out this weekend & try do something that you know will make you smile? I'm trying to get out of a rut myself with my messes so I'm thinking of going into the New York city on Saturday & just enjoy the day to get my mind off of things. It's hard, but we're here for ya girl! *hugs* =)
It breaks my heart to hear that you're feeling like that :( If I weren't married I'd totally go with you to Jamaica and make you forget your sorrows! or help you drink them away? :) haha
but really. Keep your head up girlie! I know you're strong and this will pass! It only gets harder before it gets easier and just keep remembering this situation will make you a better, stronger person. & prepare you for what's to come :)
xo love!
Aw love! You're strong. You'll pull through. All your readers know it. We all beleive in you! Everybody has to get into a funk evey once and a while in order to be truly happy once things start to go right. Otherwise you'd never notice the difference.
One day at a time, that's all you can do. And look forward. Your trip definitely seems like something to look forward to!
Oh no I am sorry to hear this- try to do something special for YOU each day- treat yourself to a coffee, get a manicure, etc. Sometimes this happens to me too, this too shall pass! :)
All I can say is....you have to accept your situation or change it.
When I'm feeling like that, I go to the beach or on a hike or something. I know it sounds kind of cliched, but experiencing nature reminds me of the all the beauty that exists in the world. It helps me put my problems into perspective, too, although I'm not exactly sure why ... Good luck : )
Oh girl. I feel you. So sorry. I think it's the annual BLAH WEEK or something because apparently we're not the only ones...Wish I could help so you would stop feeling this way. It stinks. Big time. How about a bubble bath and some time-out time on your own...with lots of junkfood and an awsome shopping trip?! I know, not so super cool but sometimes little things like these can cheer me up. God know I need it. Shopping time for me in March, but the bath and junk food starts today. ;)
I'm right there with you on the mood. I just got out on my funk today (when ms. mother nature poped her head into my life, blah). What I did to get out of my funk was go out with friends, drink too much wine, and laugh at funny things that people posted on my blog post a few days ago. Seriously check it out. I promise it will make you smile :)
ps- how could you ever be sad when planning a trip to Jamacia?! I'm so jealous. That sounds fabulous!
ooh sorry to hear that, cheer up, I love jaime's advice, go out there and cheer up yourself! lots of love
Everyone I know is feeling this way lately. I call it the "February Blahs". I know things will get better. Surround yourself with fun, positive people, lots of wine, and celebrity gossip! :)
You keep your head up and focus on all the things in your life that are awesome. And come on, it's not like Jamaica won't completely turn your world around and be a wonderful holiday :)
Being the only male to post, perhaps, today. I dare not rely on my own words to comfort. Instead, there is something I read today that you all may enjoy. It's from, The Spiritual Emerson, "When the good is near you, when you have life in yourself, it is not by any known or accustomed way; you shall not discern the footprints of any other;[...] the way, the thought, the good, shall be wholly strange and new." (page 28)
I think there's something in the air. This time of year always makes me feel blah! Hang in there!!
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