Monday, January 4, 2010

The NYE in the NYC

We had a GREAT time! Went to an Irish pub, had an open bar, had the hotel room, drank way too much for a bunch of little girls and stole lots of champagne from the left overs on the bar. OH and partied our asses off until 5am... eeeekk.

I LOVE that I started off my New Year's with most of my best friends! Although I reallllllyyy need to stop drunk texting lol... its going to get me in trouble one day!

How was your New Year's?



Jenni said...

What fun! Seriously, this looks like a blast! Glad you had a good time.

And drunk texting is bad, bad, bad news! Be careful with that lil' lady.

Nicole said...

aaaahhh the joys of drunk texting I love it! lol Happy 2010! =D

Anonymous said...

LOL I wrote a post on my NYE drunk texting/calling... LOL

LifestyleBohemia said...

Looks like you had a great New Year's Eve!
I will add that to my list of resolutions as well - no drunk texting!

Andhari said...

You look really gorgeous! Don't worry about drunk texting or being a bit drunker than usual, it's NYE! lol

Garf said... open bar... thats what i was looking for but failed to get passes. was pretty much the same for me too....but drunk texting...thats news....seems fun... :-)

Anonymous said...

I am so jealous of NYE in NYC! So glad you had an awesome time!!!

Amanda said...

That looks so fun! I've been to NYC once and loved it. Boyfriend and I had a spat, so we had "New Years: The Remix" the next night, and that was a blast.

Claire Marie said...

Aww NYE in NYC, that sounds amazing! Also, drunk texting... oh dear, I have some bad experiences with that myself! It's always hilarious the next morning though!
Thanks for the comment on my blog - I commented back underneath with some info about the links underneath the header, if you're interested :)

Claire Marie x

Neely said...

New follower...your blog is super cute!! come check mine out :) Happy new Year!

Teach.Workout.Love said...

thanks!! :)

Jaime @ laviejaime said...

Yay for open bar on NYE, haha. Looks like you had fun!

angel6033 said...

you look like you had a blast!! What a great way to bring in the new year!! I spent mine with my family getting buzzed with my sisters laughing at youtube videos! Yeah I know we are SOOO COOL! lol

Micaela said...



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