Monday, October 12, 2009

Yankees, Puppies & More Puppies

Oh its Monday and how great to be back at work...

This weekend was awesome. I was incredibly productive and did a lot that made me feel like a better person and that there are good people out there.

YANKEE GAME!!! Playoff game #2. Our seats were the LAST row in the entire stadium. No joke, last row. The game was AWESOME they won, Teixeira killed it in the 11th inning. Me and Mich had a great time, we met one of her friends there and hung out on the 1st tier the entire game. I was hitting on the security guard so i could get by him to sit all the way next to the field, but that didnt really work, although he was mad cute so I got his number anyway. lol... i was extremely wasted by the end of the game so I really don't remember anything that actually happened in the game unfortunately! But we had a great time! Many really funny moments!

I worked at the dog shelter all day from 9-4 at the adopt-a-thon that they had going on. They had 110 dogs from a kill-shelter in the south brought up and we had to move them out of the shelter quickly because there were so many of them. It was a crazy day, so many puppies and dogs and people everywhere. All the puppies were soooooooo cute... it was hard to not want to steal them all!!

I fell in love with the one under the green blanket, named Dante. He was a little black lab mix with a cropped tail and so adorable and for some reason, no one would take him :( It's prob because he looks like a rottweiler with the tail cropped.. ugh... some people are just so ignorant,,, after a while it gets really frustrating, especially dealing with animals.

Later I went and watched a movie with TB, had a good time! Boondock Saints... greattttt movie!!

Went back to the shelter for almost the whole day, with all intentions of having Dante be adopted but then I met Chance and fell in love with him and just hung out with him allllllll day long. Which was really nice cuz he didn't do anything but hung out and was just a love. All these people kept looking at him and they're like "awwwww what a great dog!!" And i just wanted to be like... ADOPT HIM THEN! Don't just pretend like you are going to!
God i Hate the public... I had to leave because I was getting too attached and frustrated with people.. Ugh TWO more weeks and I'll have my apartment... maybe he'll still be there... I HOPE NOT...because I want him to get adopted and out of that place!

Later we went to the bar and watched the Yankee Game and watched them sweep the Twins! Awesome. Go Yanks!

Overall? Awesome weekend :)

How was your weekend?


Tracy said...

Loving the pups and your blog!!

E said...

Leaving those puppies there at the end of the day would be heartbreaking :( I would want to take them all!!

Sierra said...

Oh, I love your kind heard and puppy pics, it would be hard to leave the kind creatures! Yankee game = what fun!

paddle to shore said...

awwww, you are such a wonderful person. I'm sure those dogs appreciate everything about you.

PS. How is the new Yankees stadium? I've only been to the old one.

for the love of pictures said...

I agree with everyone else - you are such a wonderful soul dedicating your time like that. Those puppies are too cute!

My weekend was tons-o-fun (the best one I've had in a while). I'm actually on vacation until it's back to work on Wednesday, so I'm still enjoying it :)

Ali said...

I can't tell you about my weekend because I am still loving on all those puppies. Sorry, can't do it. Too much to handle.

I want them all. I don't know how you do it. I'd be a mess the entire time!

.:*aMbAr*:. said...

Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww that is so cute, if it would have been me, I would have ALL puppies in my apt right now. I couldn't work there, it would kill me to leave the dogs there. So sad....

Mara said...

Your puppy pictures break my heart :|

Teach.Workout.Love said...

new yankee stadium is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and most of the dogs got adopted so i didnt feel THAT bad leaving them!!! awe :(

Abby said...

boondock saints... that movie is ridiculous, haha. glad your weekend went well!!

Liz in... said...

I had to stop volunteering at shelters once I could actually adopt the dogs. Horrible. I would have taken them all home.

And YAY for Yankees winning against the Twins in our series against them! Friday's game was a nailbiter! Agh!

Ps: I gave you an award on my blog. Check it out! :)

.:*aMbAr*:. said...

Hey, I ran down here cause I didn't want to see those puppy pics again, you see? But I NEED to tell you that I love 'cha so I gave you an award...

Teach.Workout.Love said...

awe thanks!!!!!!!!!!!

k said...

I could NEVER work/volunteer in a shelter -I would be SOOOO heart broken!!! You are stronger than me.

Andhari said...

I would be the same if I work there too, I might have cried everyday. People really just have bad natures sometimes, thye wanna adopt dogs that looklike they come straight out of magazines. Making dogs like these forgotten, no matter how adorable they are.

ps. Getting sloshed at a game, awesome!!!:)


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